Dense phase pneumatic conveying compare with dilute phase pneumatic conveying
陈春颖 王琨 麦考勃气动输送工程(上海)有限公司
By Chen Chunying / Wang Kun, Macawber
Keywords:Pneumatic conveying, low-velocity, Dense phase.
1) 物料以较低的速度进行输送(一般在2~8m/s,低于物料的悬浮速度);
2) 输送时的料气比高(一般在30~90之间)。
Macawber’s philosophy of basic design is low velocity and dense phase pneumatic conveying,just as following:
1)Materials is conveyed at a low velocity(generally 2~
2) PhaseMaterial-to-air Ratio at a hign level(generally 30~90)
Using dense phase pneumatic conveying, Material flow patterns are basically a plug or series of plugs along the pipeline impulsed by air pressure,different from material using dilute phase pneumatic conveying flow by mixture with a mass of positive pressure air flow. In this case, Material is conveyed well below the saltation velocity,avoid abrasion of pipeline caused by high velocity. At the same time ,Macawber bring forward conveying less material one circle and complete transfer rate by improve quantity of circle in the same time to keep the material flow as plug all the time.
例如,麦考勃设计生产的灰槽Ashveyor®采用了定制的圆顶阀Dome Valve®作为进料阀,该阀门可以切断静止的料柱关闭阀门。Ashveyor®采用底部出料管,可控制的压缩空气系统安装在灰槽系统Ashveyor®单元的第一个灰槽上。多个给料点的所有Ashveyor®串联到一个输送管道上,布置简单方便。
For example,Macawber’s Ashveyor using special Dome Valve which could cut off all of the static material as inlet Valve, Ashveyor discharge material from bottom of the vessel, air supply system installed on the first Ashveyor of conveying system ensure controllable compressed air flow from first Ashveyor to the last one along the pipeline, multi-Ashveyor using one conveying pipeline make the installation easy.
Macawber conveying system automatic operation according to two level probe signal, one is low level probe of fees hopper, the other is hign level probe of silo. If not have specifically requirement, system will automatically run until material fill with silo. System electrical logic control could conrol the dump valve installed on the top of the silo to change the direction of material flow that ensure material conveyed into one or multi-silo.
Traditional bin pump using the double gate valve as inlet valve.After material filled with large volume vessel, this system using a strong air flow to blow the material into silo. Because of conveying a great many of material,it must to flow at a high velocity to prevent block up pipeline so that material flow velocity is unstable and increase the abrasion of pipeline. Another peoblem is that it must to install a outlet valve at the outlet and one set airlift system in vessel to prevent material mass, this design result in system operation unstable increase maintenance time.
Result of compare:
项目item |
麦考勃技术Macawber technic |
传统仓泵Traditional bin pump |
输送理念 philosophy |
密相低速,能耗低,工作可靠。一排灰槽通过一根管路输送,无需补气,助吹等。 Dense phanse, low velocity, operation reliable,low energy consumption,one pipeline,no assistance. |
结构决定很难做到密相低速输送。多数有补气、助吹或真空倒吸,能耗高、磨损大。 Hard to dense phase convey,need assistance,high energy consumption,high abrasion. |
进料阀 Inlet valve |
使用圆顶阀,可以高频率工作(两次检修间隔几十万次循环),在下料过程中穹形阀芯可以切断静止物料,灵活可靠,特殊的结构保证密封效果。实现‘少量多次’输送效果的核心部件。 Using dome valve, high frequency, cut off satic material, flexible and reliable,good seal. |
常规阀门如双闸阀等很难做到切断物料的操作,硬密封效果差,没有阀芯磨损后的密封补偿功能。为减少阀门的开启次数一般设计为大容量罐体。 Hard to cut off static material,bad seal, no compensate,large vessel. |
设备尺寸 Euipment dimension |
‘少量多次’的输送理念,发送罐体积小 Little material multi-times,small vessel |
为减少进料阀的开闭次数,发送罐体积大,需要安装空间高 Lager vessel, large installing space |
发送罐内结构 Vessel configuration |
发送罐体积小,罐体内无需料位计及流化装置 Small vessel,no level prpbe,no airlift |
发送罐体积大,一次下料多,需要料位计控制下料数量,需要安装排气阀方便下料,物料积累到一定数量时为防止物料在重力作用下结块需要安装流化装置 Lager vessel need level probe to control material level,vessel vent to assistant discharge and airlift to prevent mass. |
出料阀 Outlet valve |
无需出料阀,发送罐和输送管路直接连通 No outlet valve, |
需要安装出料阀,安装在输送管路前,在进料时出料阀关闭 Need to install outlet valve,close when feed |
发送罐内压力 Vessel pressure |
常压 Ambient |
一般在 Generally 2 bar, close outlet valve and inlet valve after material filled with vessel;increase pressure before open the outlet valve,if not will cause abrasion of valve. |
物料降解 Material degradation |
因输送速度低、物料间相对运动少,降解率低,只有少量的物料破碎 |
因物料在管道内流速大,经过输送后物料降解率高 High velocity,high degradation |
对块状物料的输送 Transfer mass |
可以输送大到50~60mm粒径的物料 Could conveying 50~ |
只能输送粉体 Only convey powder |
爬升高度 Vertical height |
可以爬升到 Up to |
因输送空气压力低,难以满足有很大高度的输送要求 Low height bacuse of low conveying air pressure. |
对接收仓除尘器的要求 Requirment of reception hopper reverse jet filter |
耗气量低,除尘器面积小 Low air consumption,small filter |
耗气量大,除尘器面积大 High air consumption,big filter |
After several dozens years developing, Pneumatic conveying technic changed from negative pressure conveying to positive pressure conveying,due to high energy consumption and high abrasion, positive pressure dilute phase pneumatic conveying system will be replaced by positive pressure dense phase pneumatic conveying system.
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