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直销耐高温 耐磨料碳化硅金刚砂 样品免费
   品牌 景峰 型号 优质 种类 金刚砂


  适用范围喷砂 抛光硬度9.0

  直销耐高温 耐磨料碳化硅金刚砂 样品免费

  金刚砂简介:Introduction of silicon carbide

  棕刚玉、黑刚玉、白刚玉、碳化硅统称金刚砂,是用矾土、碳素材料、铁屑三种原料在电炉中经过融化还原而制得的人造刚玉,故为此名。金刚砂主要化学成份是 AL2O3,其含量在94.5%-97%,另含有少量的Fe,Si,Ti等。

  Brown corundum, black corundum, white corundum, silicon carbide known as carborundum, is made of alumina, carbon materials, scrap iron three kinds of raw materials in electric furnace melting reduction of artificial corundum, reason for this name.Emery main chemical composition is AL2O3, and its content from 94.5% to 94.5%, the other contains a small amount of Fe, Si, Ti, etc.

  金刚砂的等级的划分:The level of silicon carbide

  金刚砂主成分是氧化铝,分等级也就用氧化铝含量来区分,金刚砂氧化铝含量越低也就硬度越低了。韧性好比 SiC 高,显微硬度1800-2200kg/mm2,体积密度≥3.85g/cm3,耐高温,耐火度高达1850℃。

  金刚砂的使用范围:The scope of application of silicon carbide


  1. Sandblasting, moderate hardness, high packing density, no free silica, than major, good toughness and is the ideal "environmental protection" type sand blasting materials, widely used in aluminum, copper profile glass, washing jeans precision molds, and other fields;


  2. The free abrasive, abrasive abrasive, applied to the tube, optical glass, monocrystalline silicon, lenses, clocks with glass, crystal glass, jade in areas such as free grinding, grinding is adopted widely in the domestic advanced materials;


  3. The resin abrasive, abrasive has color appropriate, good hardness and toughness, suitable particle cross section type and keeping degree blade, used in resin abrasive, effect is ideal;


  4) is coated with abrasive, abrasive paper, gauze and other manufacturers of production materials;


  5. The functional filler - is mainly used for automobile brake parts, special tires, special construction products such as led can be used as building highway pavement. The runway. Dock. The parking lot. Industrial floor. Sports venues such as wear-resistant materials;


  6. Filter medium, is a new kind of application field, abrasive using granular grinding for the bottom of the medium filter bed, purify drinking water or wastewater, is a new type of water filtration materials at home and abroad, especially suitable for non-ferrous metal processing, oil drilling mud weighting agent:


  7. Hydraulic cutting - is abrasive cutting medium, rely on high pressure water jet cutting, basic application in the oil (gas) pipe, steel components, such as cutting, is a new type, environmental protection, safe way of cutting.

  金刚砂性能指标:Emery performance metrics

  金刚砂以优质铝矾土为原料,无烟煤,铁屑,在电弧中经2000度以上高温熔炼制成,经磨机粉碎 整形,磁选去铁,筛分成多种粒度,其质地致密、硬度高,粒形成球状,适用于制造陶瓷、树脂高固结磨具以及研磨、抛光、喷砂、精密铸造等,还可用于制造高级耐火材料 。

  金刚砂规格:Emery specifications


  金刚砂包装方式:Emery packing way


  25 kg/bag, double woven bag packaging, export tons of bags are available, and can also be adjusted according to customer requirements for production.

电 话:86 0371 60266519



地 址:中国 河南 郑州市中原区 工业开发区


起批量 1-19  20-49  ≥50 
价格 ¥ 5800.00 ¥ 5700.00 ¥ 5600.00
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