The ENERGIRON Direct Reduction Technology
The Flexibility and Environmental Friendliness of the ENERGIRON Direct Reduction Technology
Pablo Duarte Alessandro Martinis
Abstract: For more than 50years,HYLhas developed technologies designed to improve steelmaking competitiveness and productivity for steel facilities. The HYL direct reduction technology. While perhaps the best known ,is accompanied by other technologies designed for making steel in more efficient ,cost-effective ways. The HYL Process has been improved over generations and the current status of the technology, the HYL zr process, was developed to allow reduction of iron ores in a shaft furnace without external gas reforming equipment. This process scheme has the ability to produce High Carbon DRI, which allows producers to obtain maximum benefits of carbon in the steel making process, while for merchant sale of the product, eliminationg the need for costly vriquetting equipment thanks to its highly improved stability.
Key words: direct reduction, syngas .COG, high carbon DRI, CO2REMOVAL. Environment
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