April 14th Cost raises converter iron price

作者:1 发布时间:2010-04-14 文字大小:【大】【中】【小】

 Current market situation is that the high cost hardly decreased .Regarding spot price of TFe 66% iron fine a 1,400 yuan/ton , coke price 2000 yuan/ton, current production costs of pig iron calculated reached 3700-3800 yuan/ton, though some former stock eliminates some production cost for iron works, but traditional practices, while the stocks generally remain only for half a month or one month. Views on the current price trend , iron ore price can’t go down in short term but will goes high, coal price decreases more hard for mine accidents but higher. Some traders expects the coal price is rising momentum in first half year. Therefore, the iron works will have to face high costs of production, and pig iron prices also will be higher again, although this price will make the downstream users uncomfortable.